
Track: [Clear Filter]
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Saturday, 22nd May
Main Conference Room
19:00 - 21:00
Introduction to Python (Part 1)

    Celine Natalie Wongso Lesmono (Speaker Yishun Innova Junior College), Seth Olav Yong (Speaker Yishun Innova Junior College)

Description: This workshop is about introducing people who are interested in Python to Python, teaching them about the syntaxes and languages in Python. We hope that participants would enjoy the process of learning Python and learn some basic Python which will spur their interest in learning more about coding.

Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite to this course! 

2 hours
Saturday, 29th May
Main Conference Room
09:00 - 11:00
Introduction to Python (Part 2)

    Celine Natalie Wongso Lesmono (Speaker Yishun Innova Junior College), Seth Olav Yong (Speaker Yishun Innova Junior College)

Description: This workshop will cover further knowledge for Introduction to Python. Intended for participants who either already have a background of Python, or have attended the prior "Introduction to Python (Part 1)" workshop. Through this workshop, participants will also learn the various applications of Python.

  • Basic knowledge of Python
    • You can attend "Introduction to Python (Part 1)" workshop here as a preparatory workshop.
Duration: 2 hours
13:30 - 15:00
Introduction to C++

    Liew Zheng Yuan (Speaker Dunman High School), See Yong Qian (Facilitator Dunman High School)

Description: Ever wondered what goes into the making of countless apps that you use and games that you play? Join us at Introduction to C++, where we delve into a handy-dandy curation of the 101 of this highly versatile programming language. This course will endow you with the essentials that will allow you to create your very own simple application and a brief, but fun history of C++, hopefully setting you on an adventurous path of discovery and innovation.

Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite to this course!

1.5 hours

16:00 - 17:00
Introduction to C#

    Eda Yeo (Speaker Dunman High School)

Description: During the workshop, participants will learn the basics of C# like data types, string manipulation, and mathematical operations. Participants will also be able to code a basic calculator using C# at the end of the workshop.

Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite to this course!

1 hour
20:00 - 21:00
Introduction to Java

    Yeng Loan Koan (Speaker Temasek Junior College)

Description: Participants will be able to learn the basics of the Java programming language such as data types, variable assignment, if-else statements, scanners and user inputs, etc. 

  • Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers here (before the workshop) 

1 hour

Sunday, 30th May
Main Conference Room
09:00 - 11:00
Creating Visual Novels with RenPy

    Jessica Chan (Speaker Dunman High School), Tan Shian Pei (Speaker Dunman High School)

Description: This workshop teaches the basics of RenPy, a visual novel engine that makes use of python and basic computing skills. Computational programming will be taught, along with some foundational skills of python to help students be imaginative and more comfortable with coding in a creative way.

  • Download Ren'Py here (before the workshop)
  • Download a code editor (for eg: Visual Studios, Atom, etc) (before the workshop)
  • Prepare some images and media for the visual novel (optional)

Duration: 2 hours

12:30 - 15:30
Introduction to Unity 2D Game Development

    Chen Qirui (Speaker Dunman High School), Hon Wen Hong (Speaker Dunman High School)

Description: The workshop introduces the 2D game development workflow through the making of an arcade shooter game including components such as player controls, enemy AI movement, shooting, and highscore. Participants will learn about the various programming structures (i.e. conditionals, loops) and Object-Oriented Programming through the hands-on making of the game.

  • Download Unity Software here (before the workshop)
  • Download a code editor (for eg: Visual Studios, Atom, etc) (before the workshop)
  • Basic knowledge of C# (optional)
    • You can attend "Introduction to C#" workshop here as a preparatory workshop. 

Duration: 3 hours

Disclaimer: The following workshop is mainly focused on going through the 2d development workflow of making a game with unity & using the unity game engine instead of coding with c# using the scripts.
16:00 - 18:00
How To: CodeCombat

    Lin Junyu (Speaker Dunman High School), Brandon Jay-han Bok (Speaker Dunman High School), Chiam Kai Jun (Speaker Dunman High School), Jaden Chew Jingzhi (Speaker Dunman High School)

Description: CodeCombat tournament is a competition held by BuildingBloCS 2021 and the CodeCombat team on 1st June with an objective of selecting outstanding CodeCombat players! This is a workshop which prepares participants for the tournament by introducing participants to various computational thinking concepts and tactics on how to play the various CodeCombat Arenas. A playbook for CodeCombat Arenas would be handed out to participants during the workshops. 

  • Join the CodeCombat Classroom here and try out a few of the levels! (before the workshop)

Duration: 2 hours

20:00 - 22:00
Playing with Minecraft Plugins

    Issac Chen Jing De (Facilitator Dunman High School), Ng Yan Quan Ryan (Speaker Temasek Junior College), Tan Rui Yang (Speaker Dunman High School)

Description: During this workshop, participants will be able to learn about what goes on behind the scenes to create a Minecraft plugin. An in-detailed, analysis of Minecraft Youtuber Dream's Manhunt plugin will also be discusses during the workshop.

  • Download Minecraft here (before the workshop)

Duration: 2 hours
Monday, 31st May
Main Conference Room
09:00 - 11:00
Creating your own Google Chrome Extensions

    Liu Hongshuo (Speaker Dunman High School)

Description: This workshop introduces participants to how Chrome Extensions are built using web development tools like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Participants will gain a basic idea of how to develop their own Chrome Extensions after completing the workshop.

  • Download a code editor (for eg: Visual Studio Code , Atom, etc) (before the workshop)
  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS (optional)

Duration: 2 hours
12:30 - 15:00
Automation with Python

    Seth Olav Yong (Speaker Yishun Innova Junior College), Bhatnagar Ishita (Speaker Yishun Innova Junior College)

Descriptions: Who likes to do mundane tasks?! Participants will be able to learn how to integrate IFTTT and WEBBOT with Python, how to use Python to interact with websites and how to automate mundane tasks using Python! 

  • Basic knowledge of Python
    • You can attend "Introduction to Python (Part 1)" and "Introduction to Python (Part 2)" workshops here as preparatory workshops

Duration: 2.5 hours
16:00 - 17:00
Basic Reconnaissance in Cyberspace

    Chen Le Qi (Speaker National Junior College)

Description: A crash course on the most important step of a penetration test, which is reconnaissance and enumeration. Accompanied by discussions on ethics and finally advice on how to stay safe in the cyberspace.

There is no prerequisite to this course! 

Duration: 1.5 hours
20:00 - 22:00
Introduction to Android Studio

    Chan Si Jie (Speaker Temasek Polytechnic)

Description: Some basics about Java will be discussed in the beginning, just some skimming. How to download Android Studio, creation of new project. Creation of emulator, execution of emulator. Discuss about the changing of the User Interface of the app, Button View, textView, ImageView as well as ListViews. Talk about fragments and why should one use them due to their reusability..


  • Download Android Studio here (before the workshop)
  • Basic knowledge of Java (optional)
    • You can attend "Introduction to Java" workshop here as a preparatory workshop.

Duration: 2 hours
Tuesday, 1st Jun
Main Conference Room
08:00 - 17:00
National CodeCombat Tournament


    CodeCombat tournament is a competition held by BuildingBloCS 2021 and the CodeCombat team on 1st June with an objective of selecting outstanding CodeCombat players! This tournament is a one-day online event involving students from different age groups. Participants are able to explore different CodeCombat arenas and battle against each other to accumulate points . At the end of the tournament, there will be special prizes awarded to top scorers according to the leaderboard ranking.

    Teachers and non-student participants would be sent a Youtube Live Stream Link to spectate the tournament

    9 hours
    Wednesday, 2nd Jun
    Main Conference Room
    08:00 - 8:20
    Opening: Day 1

      Description: TBC

      Duration: 20 mins
      08:20 - 8:35
      Welcome address

        Description: Welcome address speech by event leads and OICs signifying the start of the BBCS 2021 Conference. The timeline for the 3-day event would also be sent to the participants. 

        Duration: 15 mins
        08:35 - 8:55
        Keynote Talks: Amazon

          Description:, Inc is an American multinational technology company based in Seattle, Washington, which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. It is one of the Big Five companies in the U.S. information technology industry, along with Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook. The company has been referred to as "one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world", as well as the world's most valuable brand.

          BuildingBloCS have invited Jia Ying from Amazon (AWS) to share about her experiences working in Amazon and to encourage students to continue to pursue their interest in computing/tech. Do check out her profile here

          Duration: 20 mins
          08:55 - 9:25
          Keynote Talks: AI Singapore

            Description: AI Singapore (AISG) is a national AI programme launched by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to anchor deep national capabilities in Artificial Intelligence (AI) thereby creating social and economic impacts, grow the local talent, build an AI ecosystem, and put Singapore on the world map. 

            BuildingBloCS have invited Seng Meng from AI Singapore to share about his experiences working in AI Singapore and to encourage students to continue to pursue their interest in computing/tech. Do check out her profile here

            Duration: 30 mins

            09:25 - 9:30
            Break 1: Day 1

              Description: Break time!!!

              Duration: 5 mins
              09:30 - 9:50
              AIWinpetition Briefing

                Description: This is a short briefing about the AI Winpetition that is taking place on the 3rd day of the June Conference.

                Duration: 20 mins
                09:50 - 10:30

                  Description: Get to know the other participants of the event too! Through games and icebreakers in this segment, you'll be sure to have a few new friends after the conference is over.

                  Duration: 40 mins
                  10:30 - 10:35
                  Break 2: Day 1

                    Description: Break time!!! 

                    Duration: 5 mins

                    10:35 - 12:05
                    Python Basics

                      Zi Jie (Speaker Jurong Pioneer Junior College), James Li (Speaker Jurong Pioneer Junior College), Zhen Xi (Facilitator Jurong Pioneer Junior College)

                    Description: This workshop is about introducing people who are interested in Python to Python, teaching them about the syntaxes and languages in Python. We hope that participants would enjoy the process of learning Python and learn some basic Python which will spur their interest in learning more about coding.

                    Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite to this course!

                    1 hour 30 mins

                    12:05 - 13:00
                    Lunch Break: Day 1

                      Description: Lunch Break!!!

                      Duration: 55 mins
                      13:00 - 14:00
                      Introduction to Machine Learning (Part 1)

                        Lam Yik Ting (Speaker Dunman High School), Tse Min Jia  (Speaker Dunman High School)

                      Description: Explore the world of machine learning, specifically computer vision through this workshop! Through Google’s Teachable Machine, you will be able to make use of your webcam to predict objects, and by the end of the 2 hours workshop, implement it onto a website, and learn the various techniques of machine learning and how it works. This workshop is perfect for beginners as the difficulty level is low.

                      • Basic knowledge of Python and Javascript (optional)
                      • Requires Laptop/PC with webcam and microphone

                      Duration: 1 hour

                      14:00 - 15:30
                      Ideation for AI Winpetition

                        Description: The AIWinpetition is an innovation competition conducted by BuildingBloCS in collaboration with AISG. Throughout the competition, students will be able to team up and work on an idea that brings their skills from previous workshops together. Students will be given various themes to choose from and maximise their creative thinking and computational skills. Finally, various teams will be awarded titles and provided feedback on their ideas, including theme prizes and even some special awards.

                        Participants can use this timing to think of ideas for the AI Winpetition that is taking place throughout the June Conference.

                        Duration: 1.5 hours
                        15:30 - 16:00
                        Keynote Talks: Google

                          Description: Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the five Big Tech companies along with Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft.

                          BuildingBloCS have invited a representative from Google to encourage students to continue to pursue their interest in computing/tech. More details about representative would be shared later.

                          Duration: 30 mins
                          16:00 - 16:05
                          Break 3: Day 1

                            Description: Break time!!!

                            Duration: 5 mins
                            16:05 - 18:05
                            Face Recognition with Python (Part 1)

                              Ng Kin Meng (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College), Kee Jun Xi, Ansel (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College), Andrhea Angelina Therese Gaerlan San Gabriel (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College), Liang Yusen (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College)

                            Description: This workshop serves as an introduction to Face Recognition using Python. In the first session, we will explore how facial recognition works, and how to detect faces in images and recognise those faces using Python. We would be introducing Python libraries such as OpenCV and TTS module, etc. By the end of this workshop, you would have created your own program that greets you by name using text-to-speech when it sees you, and anyone else it recognises in frame.

                            • Basic knowledge of Python
                            • Requires Laptop/PC with webcam
                            • Requires a folder of images with ONLY your face in it
                            • Requires a folder of other images, can be of you, group or not even you. (optional)
                            • Install the face_recognition library (Detailed instructions here)

                            Duration: 2 hours
                            18:05 - 18:15
                            Closing: Day 1

                              Description: Debriefing of the workshops of Day 1 Conference and what participants can expect in the next 2 days.

                              Duration: 10 mins
                              Thursday, 3rd Jun
                              Main Conference Room
                              08:00 - 8:20
                              Opening: Day 2

                                Description: TBC

                                Duration: 20 mins
                                08:20 - 8:40
                                Keynote Talks: ByteDance & Panasonic

                                  Description: ByteDance is the developer of the video-sharing social networking services and apps TikTok and Douyin, the Chinese-specific counterpart to TikTok. ByteDance also developed Toutiao ("Headlines"), which began as a news recommendation engine and evolved into a platform delivering content in various formats, such as texts, images, question-and-answer posts, microblogs, and videos.

                                  BuildingBloCS have invited Zhe Ming from ByteDance (who studied in Georgia Tech) to share about his experiences interning in ByteDance and studying Computing as a subject. Do check out his profile here. Along with him, we have also invited Rui En, who is interning at Panasonic. Check out his profile here 

                                  Duration: 20 mins
                                  08:40 - 8:45
                                  Break 1: Day 2

                                    Description: Break time!!!

                                    Duration: 5 mins
                                    08:45 - 9:45
                                    Introduction to Machine Learning (Part 2)

                                      Lam Yik Ting (Speaker Dunman High School), Tse Min Jia  (Speaker Dunman High School)

                                    Description: Explore the world of machine learning, specifically computer vision through this workshop! It follows from Part 1 of the Introduction to Machine Learning workshop. Through Google’s Teachable Machine, you will be able to make use of your webcam to predict objects, and by the end of the 2 hours workshop, implement it onto a website, and learn the various techniques of machine learning and how it works. This workshop is perfect for beginners as the difficulty level is low.

                                    • Basic knowledge of Python and Javascript (optional)
                                    • Requires Laptop/PC with webcam and microphone

                                    Duration: 1 hour
                                    09:45 - 10:45
                                    Work on second submission for AI Winpetition

                                      Description: The AIWinpetition is an innovation competition conducted by BuildingBloCS in collaboration with AISG. Throughout the competition, students will be able to team up and work on an idea that brings their skills from previous workshops together. Students will be given various themes to choose from and maximise their creative thinking and computational skills. Finally, various teams will be awarded titles and provided feedback on their ideas, including theme prizes and even some special awards!

                                      Participants can choose this time to work on the second submission for the AI Winpetition that is taking place throughout the June Conference.

                                      Duration: 1 hour
                                      10:45 - 12:45
                                      Face Recognition with Python (Part 2)

                                        Andrhea Angelina Therese Gaerlan San Gabriel (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College), Ng Kin Meng (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College), Kee Jun Xi, Ansel (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College), Liang Yusen (Speaker Anglo-Chinese Junior College)

                                      Description: This workshop serves as an introduction to Face Recognition using Python. It follows from Part 1 of the Face Recognition with Python workshop. During the second session, we will apply this knowledge to detect and recognise faces from a live camera feed using OpenCV. We also would be introducing how to handle directories, os module, optimisation with threading, etc. By the end of this workshop, you would have created your own program that greets you by name using text-to-speech when it sees you, and anyone else it recognises in frame.

                                      • Basic knowledge of Python
                                      • Requires Laptop/PC with webcam
                                      • Requires a folder of images with ONLY your face in it
                                      • Requires a folder of other images, can be of you, group or not even you. (optional)
                                      • Install the face_recognition library (Detailed instructions here)

                                      Duration: 2 hours
                                      12:45 - 13:45
                                      Lunch Break: Day 2

                                        Description: Lunch Break!!!

                                        Duration: 1 hour
                                        13:45 - 15:45
                                        Music with AI

                                          Rose Evangeline Anne Dagman Destor (Speaker Dunman High School)

                                        Description: Ever wondered whether AI can create music? This workshop allows you to have a taste of how deep learning can be adapted to perform Music Information Retrieval (MIR). There will be a quick rundown of the theory concepts followed by the various ways we can retrieve and represent the data. We will end it off with a simple introduction to magenta (AI music generator) and applying the concepts learned on the newly composed Python music.

                                        • Basic knowledge of Python
                                        • Basic knowledge of Machine Learning Concepts (optional)
                                        • Install softwares that can read, edit and export MIDI files (such as GarageBand for macOS or Stagelight for Windows)

                                        Duration: 2 hours
                                        15:45 - 15:50
                                        Break 2: Day 2

                                          Description: Break time!!!

                                          Duration: 5 mins
                                          15:50 - 16:30
                                          Evolutionary AI (Part 1)

                                            Mok Jia Yu (Facilitator Dunman High School), Issac Chen Jing De (Facilitator Dunman High School), Huang Qiu Di (Speaker Dunman High School), Kingold Wang Xinfeng (Speaker Dunman High School)

                                          Note: Due to the difficulty of the workshop, this workshop might be changed

                                          Through the course of the workshop, participants will learn to train an artificial intelligence model that is capable of learning how to play Google's Dinosaur game.

                                          • Intermediate knowledge of Python (up till OOP)

                                          Duration: 40 mins

                                          16:30 - 17:45
                                          Work on second submission for AI Winpetition

                                            Description: The AIWinpetition is an innovation competition conducted by BuildingBloCS in collaboration with AISG. Throughout the competition, students will be able to team up and work on an idea that brings their skills from previous workshops together. Students will be given various themes to choose from and maximize their creative thinking and computational skills. Finally, various teams will be awarded titles and provided feedback on their ideas, including theme prizes and even some special awards!

                                            Participants can use this time to work on their second submission for the AI Winpetition that is taking place throughout the June Conference.

                                            Duration: 1 hour 15 mins
                                            17:45 - 18:00
                                            Closing: Day 2

                                              Description: Debriefing of the workshops of Day 2 Conference and what participants can expect on the last day (ie AI Winpetition).

                                              Duration: 15 mins
                                              Friday, 4th Jun
                                              Main Conference Room
                                              08:00 - 8:20
                                              Opening: Day 3

                                                Description: TBC

                                                Duration: 20 mins
                                                08:20 - 8:40
                                                Keynote Talks: DSO (Cybersecurity)

                                                  Description: DSO National Laboratories (DSO) is Singapore’s largest defence research and development (R&D) organisation, with the critical mission to develop technological solutions to sharpen the cutting edge of Singapore's national security.

                                                  BuildingBloCS have invited Kar Wei from DSO to share about her journey from 'O' Level Computing to pursuing a cybersecurity diploma in SP on a DSO Scholarship. Do check out her profile here

                                                  Duration: 20 mins

                                                  08:40 - 9:00
                                                  Keynote Talks: Govtech

                                                    Description: GovTech is responsible for the delivery of the Singapore government's digital services to the public. It is the agency that provides the infrastructure to support the implementation of the country's Smart Nation initiative to harness infocomm technologies, networks and big data to create tech-enabled solutions.

                                                    BuildingBloCS have invited Michael from GovTech to share about his experiences working in Govtech and to encourage students to continue to pursue their interest in computing/tech. Do check out her profile here

                                                    Duration: 20 mins
                                                    09:00 - 9:05
                                                    Break 1: Day 3

                                                      Description: Break time!!!

                                                      Duration: 5 mins
                                                      09:05 - 10:25
                                                      Evolutionary AI (Part 2)

                                                        Kingold Wang Xinfeng (Speaker Dunman High School), Mok Jia Yu (Facilitator Dunman High School), Huang Qiu Di (Speaker Dunman High School), Issac Chen Jing De (Facilitator Dunman High School)

                                                      Note: Due to the difficulty of the workshop, this workshop might be changed

                                                      Through the course of the workshop, participants will learn to train an artificial intelligence model that is capable of learning how to play Google's Dinosaur game.

                                                      • Intermediate knowledge of Python (up till OOP)

                                                      Duration: 1 hour 20 mins

                                                      10:25 - 17:30
                                                      Work on the final submission for the AI Winpetition

                                                        Description: The AIWinpetition is an innovation competition conducted by BuildingBloCS in collaboration with AISG. Throughout the competition, students will be able to team up and work on an idea that brings their skills from previous workshops together. Students will be given various themes to choose from and maximise their creative thinking and computational skills. Finally, various teams will be awarded titles and provided feedback on their ideas, including theme prizes and even some special awards!

                                                        Duration: 7 hours 5 mins
                                                        17:30 - 17:35
                                                        Break 2: Day 3

                                                          Description: Break time!!!

                                                          Duration: 5 mins
                                                          17:35 - 17:55
                                                          Keynote Talks: ClassDo

                                                            Description: ClassDo is a start-up which focuses on offering educators and business clients custom-branded virtual collaboration rooms that are easy to use, efficient, smart and secure. Uniquely designed to resemble how people work and learn together in the real world, each ClassDo room has all the collaborative tools you need. ClassDo redefines collaboration, bringing you an authentic online collaborative experience that is as effective as learning and working together side by side one another.

                                                            BuildingBloCS have invited a representative from ClassDo to encourage students to continue to pursue their interest in computing/tech. More details about representative would be shared later.

                                                            Duration: 20 mins
                                                            17:55 - 18:00
                                                            Break 3: Day 3

                                                              Description: Break time!!!

                                                              Duration: 5 mins
                                                              18:00 - 18:15
                                                              Closing: Day 3

                                                                Description: Debriefing of the events of the conference and what participants can expect after the event (ie judging and prize presentation of AI Winpetition)

                                                                Duration: 15 mins