
BuildingBloCS 2019 collaborates with various community partners to promote Computing education in Singapore schools. Interested to become a partner? Contact [email protected]!

BuildingBloCS is now part of AI for Students! Learn and apply AI knowledge and skills by leveraging on DataCamp.

ClassDo provides virtual rooms for BuildingBloCS participants to share Computing knowledge and skills from anywhere in the world!

BuildingBloCS conducts introductory coding workshops for the community in collaboration with FOSSASIA Academy during OpenTechSummit 2019.

Google Singapore/APAC supports BuildingBloCS 2019. Thank you Google!

MOE CPDD Computing Education Unit supports BuildingBloCS 2019.

NUS School of Computing provides resources to learn about data structures and algorithms interactively and visually as well as in competitive programming training competitive programming book.

BuildingBloCS collaborates with Python User Group Singapore to conduct PyCon SG Young Coders Workshops for students.

The Girl Code aims to inspire young girls to learn programming to bridge the gender gap in the technology sector. It collaborates with BuildingBloCS to conduct introductory Python programming workshops for female students.